Tournament of Champions Info

Incentive to Play: The person with the highest number of Points at the end of the year will have their Membership renewed for free for the following year. If they do not re-join the Men’s Club the award is forfeited.

Purpose: To encourage active participation in the monthly tournaments, and to recognize those who have performed consistently well throughout the fiscal year. The top 20 point winners (plus ties) are eligible to play in the annual Tournament of Champions.

Period of Play: All regular tournaments during the fiscal year (no points given for the actual TOC Championship Tournament, which has limited participation).

TOC Cost: $1, included in your entry fee.

Entry Points: Each STMGC member who plays in a STMGC Tournament will receive four (4) points just for playing. In the case of multi-round tournaments, each member who qualifies and plays in successive rounds will receive two (2) additional points for each round played.

Bonus Points: Bonus points will be awarded in one of four methods, as shown below (depending on the format of the tournament, and the number of flights).  Ties will be broken according to the Conditions of the Competition.  

Single FlightClub ChampionshipMultiple Flights2-Man Team4-Man Team
5th5Final Cut2Entry4Cut2Entry4
6th4Semi Cut2Entry4
7th3Quarter-Final Cut2
8th2Stroke Cut2

If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions, please e-mail them to me at

Stefan Winer, TOC Statistician