Pace of Play Guidelines and Tips

If each player in a foursome saves five seconds per shot,
each round of golf would be shortened by 30 minutes!


  • Minimize practice swings.
  • Walk quickly between strokes.
  • If one player cannot reach the group in front, let him hit first.
  • All members of a group should try to watch each other’s shots until the ball comes to rest. This will avoid many lost balls.
  • Players with carts should help those without carts (look for lost balls, scout unfamiliar courses, and so forth).
  • Continue conversations AFTER your turn
  • Carry a spare ball in your pocket.
  • Give instruction only on the driving range


  • Tee off when you are ready and there is room to hit, whether or not you have honors or you hit the farthest
  • Hit a provisional if in doubt.
  • After hitting, return to your clubs and be ready to proceed


  • Before helping with a search for a lost ball hit your shot first then assist the other player.
  • Limit lost ball search to 3 minutes
  • Be ready to play with selected club in hand as soon as it is your turn
  • If using a cart with restricted access to the fairway, take more than one club to the ball
  • Drop off cart passenger, and then go to your ball


  • Read the green as you are approaching it, or when others are putting.
  • Putt out, unless impeded by another ball.
  • Park carts towards the rear of the green and next tee.
  • Mark scorecards on next tee, not the green your on
  • Leave your extra clubs between your ball and your cart/next tee.


  • When two golfers in your group have putted out, they should go immediately to the next tee, and tee off.
  • Assist others in your group by fixing divots and ball marks, raking sand bunkers.
  • Assist others in your group by moving their bag or cart for them so they can hit again immediately if necessary.